Rock-Ola Styli

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Astatic 45rpm (51-1)
Astatic needles - 45rpm (the bent pin) 0.7mil
BSR ST20/21 needle
Replacement stylus for BSR cartridge
Astatic 51-3 needle
Astatic needles for original 78s 51-3 (3 mil)
Astatic N8-1 (3 mil)
700-S3 .... 78 RPM 3 mil Sapphire needle for original 78s as used in the Astatic N8-1 (the latest substitute pick up cartridge for machines playing 78s)
Astatic N8-7 (700-D7) 0.7mil 45 rpm
Astatic N8-7 (700-D7) 0.7mil DIAMOND 45 rpm version of the '78' needle
Dual stylus
Dual stylus often fitted in restored Rock OLa Tempo, Empres, Regis or those with ceramic type pick ups often originating from Holland
general replacement ceramic cartridge. Wurlitzer, Rockola to replace Astatic, Elac, Sonotone etc makes
Replacement Ceramic Phongraph Cartridge (pick up) Can be used in many models of Wurlitzer and Rock Ola. Sturdy construction makes it an ideal jukebox replacement  NEVER solder direct on to the pins of the cartridge ALWAYS use push on tags or you will destroy the frequency response 
Based on 1 reviews.
Stylus for japanese ceramic pick up cartridge
This RED all plastic needle has appeared in some jukeboxes like Rock Ola and Wurlitzer. It has no manufacturers name . This Low quality pick up can be improved by replacing the Whole thing with a better quality ceramic type NOTE Colour may vary red or grey
 Needle for Pfanstiehl P-132D - Phanstiel originals ..colour can vary
 Needle for Pfanstiehl P-132D often found in jukeboxes that take a ceramic type pick-up NOTE that BOTH tips for 45 rpm - Orange 0.7 mil diamond and other side 0.7 mil sapphire -    
Shure M77 Needle N77
Shure M77 (N77) as used as later replacement in many Ami and Rock Ola jukeboxes. Cartridge not available

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