
Jukebox Tubes and lamps -  these are no longer made

Be aware that postage and packing on fluorescent tubes is expensive.



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Traditional Figure of 8 Mains Cable - Black - very flexible - Double Insulated but still looking like a 1950s cable.
Mains Cable - Black - very flexible - Double Insulated but still looking like a 1950s cable. Superb for rewiring internal mains wiring in jukeboxes like AMI where the original is crumbling away and dangerous. Price is by the METRE 
Bi Pin Lamp GE 12
Bi Pin Lamp GE12 used in  Seeburg L100 KD, KS (record indicator) 101, 161, 201 (record indicator) 222, 220 (record indicator) Q, AY, DS (record indicator) Wurlitzer 2200, 2204 (Foot Lights, 4x) 2300S, 2310S (Keyboard) 2400S, 2410S (keyboard) 2900 (2x) 3000 (2x) 3300, 3310 3500, 3510, 3560 1050 3700, 3800 (instruction panel)  
Bi Pin Lamp GE 19
Bi Pin Lamp GE 19  NSM Prestige 160, 160A, 160B, 160Bb, 160C Prestige 120, 120A, 120B, 120 Bb Consul 120, 120A Consul 160, 160A, 160B Hit 120, 120A Seeburg LPC-1 (record indicator) U100, U100D (record indicator) LPC480 (record indicator) PFEA1U und APFEA1 (record indicator) SE100 (credit) S100, SS160 (credit and record indicator) LS1, LS2, LS3 (credit and/or record indicator) SX100 (credit and record indicator) USC1, USC2 (record indicator, 20x) SPS160, SPS2, FC1 (record indicator) SB100 (credit and record indicator) 100-77D, 100-78D (record indicator) STD160, SQS160, STD2, STD3, STD4 (record indicator) Consolette SC1, SC11  

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